
The road to recovery

We are thorough, precise, honest, and kind. We make a difference because we are different.


Chiropractic Care, Cost + Prices

Retraining your spine

The purpose of chiropractic care is to align the spine so the body heals itself. This alignment can be achieved relatively quickly in many cases—but not in a way that’s sustainable over the long-term. You’ll experience pain relief in the short-term, but the damage hasn’t been completely corrected—yet.

In most cases, the spine hasn’t functioned normally for a long time. Trying to adapt to interferences meant learning bad habits, and getting a spine back to normal can take years. We start with an 8-week treatment plan.

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How things go

Step 1: Consultation

Dr. Mark listens. You know your health problem better than anyone and Dr. Mark wants to hear about it. He will ask you questions related to your problem and understand how that affects your life.

Step 2: Examination (45 minutes)

The initial exam

We analyze your spine in a number of ways in the first exam. This is where we pinpoint the problem and discover interferences:

  • We look at your posture and how you move.

  • We test your muscle strength and your reflexes.

  • We palpate your spine (explore by touch) to determine where there is nerve interference causing a malfunction.

  • We locate different activity in your body with a thermal (heat reading) scan.

  • We take an in-office x-ray (with the exception of those who are pregnant and small children) to determine the precise location of a spine interference. An x-ray shows what your spine has been through and how it has adapted (or in most cases maladapted).

We take all of these things together to determine how we can help you.


Step 3: Treatment

Dr. Mark gets mathematical.

Your x-rays are measured (think geometry) to calculate the degree of curvature and degeneration of your spine. This pinpoints what specific part of your spine needs to be adjusted—and in what direction—to remove the interference.

Report of Findings

During your next visit, we generate a report of your condition and discuss where your interferences are and how we intend to remove them. We also discuss how long that will take and what it will cost.

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3x a week x 8 weeks

We’ve been doing this for a while and we’re upfront about the time required to restore your health.

At the beginning, a minimum of three sessions per week for eight weeks is required to make a significant change in your health so that you feel an improvement in your life (less than that slows recovery and can prevent recovery from happening).

Once the health of the spine begins to improve, you’ll start healing yourself and the frequency of visits will decrease—by how much depends on your follow up exam!

Ballpark: It takes one year to reconstruct the majority of spines (some quicker, some slower).

The follow-up exam

After eight weeks it’s time for another exam. We compare this exam to the initial exam (computer posture analysis, thermal scan, and x-ray). If your condition is improving and you’re feeling stronger and moving better, we reduce the number of visits.


What does it cost?

CHIROPRACTOR Cost of treatment

Each visit is $45.

The follow-up exam (at eight weeks) has an added fee on top of the $45 adjustment charge (for x-rays and scans).

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