Chiropractor NEAR GUELPH, Ontario
We see it all the time. People come to us with complex symptoms: pain, discomfort, stiffness, headaches, and more. Their bodies are tired, stiff and sore. They are not sure of the cause. But they are sure of one thing: their health and wellbeing are suffering, and they are seeking help.
Help is what we do. As a seasoned chiropractor serving Guelph, Ontario from nearby Cambridge, Dr. Mark Mitchell has dedicated 30+ years to helping people restore balance in their bodies, and wellbeing in their lives.
If you’re new to chiropractic care, you are probably aware that the practice involves aligning the spine. But do you know why? Spinal alignment is critical to optimum functioning of the body, because the spine is the central communication for your entire body. It carries messages from your brain out to each limb, each organ, each system (most of which we are not really even aware of in our day to day lives). And it carries messages from all of those body parts back to the brain. It reports on the conditions, what’s working, what’s not working, and delivers messages to help your brain determine what type of energy is needed, and where.
But as important as your spine is, it’s also quite sensitive. If you’ve been in a car accident or a fall and experienced a back injury, you’ll recognize this acutely. Yet, if you’ve ‘slept wrong,’ overexerted yourself doing yard work, worked too many hours at a desk without breaks, or have a job or hobby with very repetitive motions, you’re likely putting strain on your spine, too.
All of these scenarios are precursors to people seeking chiropractic care, because when stress is exerted on the spine, it shifts out of alignment. Sometimes it’s a big shift all at once, such as with an accident. But sometimes it’s little tweaks here and there, that add up and layer on one another over time.
When this happens, the communication between your brain and your body can degrade. Inefficiencies and interruptions in this communication cause all varieties of aches and pains, from chronic lower back pain and sciatica to headaches and vision problems — all of which lead people to seek chiropractic care.