The 60-Second Desk Stretch
60 sec every 60 min
Get up from your desk every hour and do 1 minute of simple stretching (This works well with the Pomodoro method).
Reach for the sky
Stand up, interlace your fingers, and reach for the ceiling. Palms facing up!
Forward fold
Bend forward at the waist. Take it slow and try to touch your toes. Slowly rise up.
Chin down
Do your best to touch your chin towards your chest.
Look around
Keep your shoulders facing forward. Turn your head to the right and look over your shoulder. Repeat on the left side.
Shoulder rolls
Rotate your shoulders forward and backward. Once is enough.
Knee bends
Finish with a deep knee bend.
Now sit back down and get to work!
While seated, move your legs and feet to promote circulation.
The human body is meant to move. It was designed that way. If you don’t move, you lose range of movement. We sit too much. So fight back! Stretch every hour throughout your day. Your spine will thank you.
And if you can’t do these stretches, call me—You have a bigger problem!